
< > = required, [ ] = optional, ( ) = aliases

| Admin | Economy | Fun | Moderation | Utility | Invite | Music | Information | Giveaways |


Command Description
+welcome status \ enable or disable welcome message.
+welcome channel \ <#channel> configure channel where welcome messages must be sent
+welcome preview send a welcome preview
+welcome desc \ set welcome embed description
+welcome footer \ set welcome embed footer
+welcome thumbnail \ enable or disable welcome message thumbnail
+welcome color \ <hex> set welcome embed color
+welcome image \ set welcome embed image
+farewell status \ send a farewell preview
+farewell desc \ set farewell embed description
+farewell footer \ set farewell embed footer
+farewell thumbnail \ enable or disable farewell message thumbnail
+farewell color \<#hex> set farewell embed color
+farewell image \<#image-url> set farewell embed image
+ticket setup \<#channel> setup a new ticket message
+ticket log \ <#channel> setup log channel for tickets
+ticket close close the ticket
+ticket remove \ remove user/role from the ticket
+ticketcat remove \ remove a ticket category
+ticketcat add \ create a new ticket category
+ticketcat list list all ticket categories
+counter <#counter_type> <#name> setup counter channel in the guild
+modlog [channel|off] enable or disable moderation logs
+autorole [role|off] setup role to be given when a member joins the server


Command Description
+bank balance check your coin balance
+bank deposit \ deposit coins to your bank account
+bank withdraw \ withdraw coins from your bank account
+bank transfer \ transfer coins to other user
+beg beg from someone
+daily receive a daily bonus
+gamble \ try your luck by gambling


Command Description
+animal \ shows a random animal image
+facts \ get a random animal facts
+flip coin flip a coin 😎
+flip text \ reverses the given message
+snake start a snake game
+meme [category] get a random meme
+together <game> discord together


Command Description
+warnings clear \ clear all warnings for a user
+warnings list [member] list all warnings for a user
+warn \[reason] warns the specified member
+timout \ [reason] timout the specified member
+untimout \ [reason] untimout the specified member
+kick \[reason] kicks the specified member
+ban \[reason] ban the specified member
+nick reset \ reset a members nickname
+disconnect \ [reason] kick a member from voice channel
+move \ [reason] move a member from one voice channel to another


Commands Description
+bigemoji \ enlarge an emoji
+covid \ get covid statistics for a country
+github \ shows github statistics of a user
!help [menu] help menu
+paste \


Commands Description
+invitetracker \ add existing guild invites to users
+invitecodes <member> list all your invites codes in this guild
+inviter [member] shows inviter information
+inviteranks view invite ranks configured in the server
+inviterank add \ add auto-rank after reaching a particular number of invites
+inviterank remove \ remove invite rank configured with that role
+invites "<member>" view the number of invites of a member
+addinvites \ add invites to a member
+resetinvites \ clear previously added invites
!invitesimport <member> add existing guild invites to users


Only works in support server :)

Commands Description
+clear clear the queue...
+loop only loops the current playing song, it sucks, i know
+lyrics [song] get them lyrics...
+move <channel> we are the best in the town...
+nowplaying (np) this is cool imo
+pause do i need to explain this+
+play <song> use it again while playing to add it to queue
+queue fetch the current queue
+remove <int> get rid of that sheet from the queue
+resume once again, do i need to explain this+
+seek <int> it takes the int in milliseconds
+shuffle get the queue shuffled
+skip this is self explanatory bruh, cmon
+splay <link> drop the spotify song link, lmk if you have premium acc 👀
+stop it will disconnect the bot
+volume <int> 0 - 100


Commands Description
+botinvite get bot's invite
+botstats get bot's statistics
+uptime get bot's uptime
+userinfo \ [member] get user information
+chinfo \ [member] get channel information
+guildinfo get guild information
+botinfo get bot information
+avatar [member] displays avatar information
+emojinfo [emoji] displays emoji information
+lib display the XP leaderboard
+ping shows the current ping from the bot to the discord servers


Commands Description
+giveaway start \ <#channel> setup a new giveaway
+giveaway pause \ pause a giveaway
+giveaway resume \ resume a paused giveaway
+giveaway end \ end a giveaway
+giveaway reroll \ reroll a giveaway
+giveaway list \ list all giveaways
+giveaway edit \ edit a giveaway
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